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ILO adopts new standard on response to conflicts, disaster management

ILO Director-General Guy Ryder

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) has adopted new landmark standard to respond to contemporary crisis situations arising from conflicts and disasters across the world.

The ILO Director-General, Guy Ryder, stated this in his remarks at the closing ceremony of the 106th International Labour Organisation Conference (ILC) in Geneva, Switzerland.

Ryder, in a statement on Sunday, said the conference had adopted a new landmark standard; “the Employment and Decent Work for Peace and Resilience Recommendations, 2017 (No.25)”.

He said this updates an earlier ILO Recommendation adopted in 1944 that provide responses to contemporary crisis situations arising from conflicts and disasters.

According to him, this widens the focus of the standard on reconstruction and recovery to include prevention and preparedness.

“The new standard provides a unique normative framework focusing on world of work related measures to prevent and respond to the devastating effects of conflicts and disasters on economies and societies.

“It will also pay a special attention to vulnerable population groups, such as children, young people, women and displaced people,” he said.

Ryder said the Conference also adopted a resolution that calls for strengthening of partnerships at the international level to promote the new standard.

ILO director-general also said that the adoption of a new recommendation on Employment and Decent Work for Peace and Resilience was significant on several levels.

“Significant because it shows, unequivocally, that the ILO is ready and able to update its standards, making them robust and relevant.

“It is also significant because it is a vital answer for the millions of people, affected by crisis, disaster, or displacement from the world of work.

“Not only are we listening to them, we are acting for them and acting with them,” he said.

Ryder, however, reminded delegates of the ILO’s responsibilities in respect of labour migration.

He said that there were “widespread governance deficits which allow space for abuse and, too frequently, a deterioration of public attitudes and political discourse to migrants and migration.”

He called on the international community to make no concessions to attitudes which are offensive to the ILO’s values and standards.

Ryder also urged members to provide real guidance and leadership in the construction of governance systems that allow the realisation of the benefits of migration for all concerned.

He urged them to embrace the value of social dialogue between governments and the social partners.

It would be recalled that the 106th ILC, held from June 5 to June 16, had a record 6,000 accredited delegates from 187 ILO member States.

They deliberated on world of work issues, including the promotion of peace and stability in countries emerging from conflict, strengthening labour migration governance and greening the economy, among others.

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